Exciting News

This isn’t a poem, or short story, but simply 2 quick notes.

  1. According to wordpress, and the little notifications that pop up on the corner of my site, my last post was the 200th I’ve shared.  This little milestone means I’ve found a place where I’ve been confident enough to share my work.  It’s remarkable to think there have been people out there that have found enjoyment or meaning in my words, some enough to follow and read them consistently.  I just want to give a huge huge THANK YOU to anyone who has read my words and say how appreciative I am.  I am so grateful for anyone that’s taken this journey with me.
  2. This little milestone comes at possibly the best time, as I’ve put together a book aptly titled with the same name as my site, “On Blank Pages”.  There’s a ton of new content together with a lot of what I’ve shared here, images and design were all done on my own, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to say it’s completely self-published.  It’s been a long and exhausting process and I just wanted to share it.onblankpagescover


Thank you for reading!!!!!!


For anyone interested, it is on amazon.  You can follow the link below to check it out: